Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Game Play:

Game Mechanics
1 - Destroy Objective (Water Tower to block the path, thus preventing more zombies)
2 - Help Objective (Finds friend trapped under a burning wagon)
3 - Restore Objective (Refill ammo and health at the Gun Store)
4 - Blow up Fountain (Blow up the fountain – distracting nearby zombie’s)
5 - Hold Objective (Hold off the zombie’s until help arrives {timer})
Spawn Points
The first spawn point is down the longest street giving the player time to realise what is going on in the level. Other spawn points will be situated after the completion of each objective at the location of the objective (Stars on the map represent spawn points)
The map itself is open ended, not having a time limit between objectives. But the objectives are scripted, need to be completed in the set order.

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