Tuesday, November 23, 2010

End Reveiw

All in all, i think the game level i made itself turned out really nice. after all the effort i put in, it all came together smoothly.

if you would like to see a video of my level...


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

HUD and Reason

i have completed my HUD layout, it looks old and tattered but is still eligeble. the "endurnace" bar represents his current energy, after sprinting, jumping or performing tiring taks this bar decreases. but ir automatically regenerates after time.

Reason for Key Layout

i chose this key layout, because it is easy to follow and simple to use. it is also very similar to other FPS games, thus making it easy to adapt to.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Original thoughts are for it to be tattered and worn out looking. possibly with burnt paper edges.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


i modeled the Winchester rife that is mounted behind the bar on the wall of the saloon, took around 2 hrs to complete the saloon is really starting to come together. the upstairs on the left is going to be the armory, the right is the bedroom. i still need to do the armory, i will be starting that in the next few days.

Unity Application

Ive been told to put all my models in different files so that it is easier to use in Unity, before i had the level pre-built in 3Ds Max. After dividing the files i added them to a new Unity Project and my level is starting to come together. i will only be adding 1 more street to the level to make it a bit more vast.